Three tiles this time, one for It's a String Thing #213 and two I am the Diva #334 and #33510/2/2017
These are my latest tiles for It's a String Thing and I am the Diva Challenges. For last week's Adele Bruno's "It's a String Thing #213" we had a zig zag string creating 4 triangular areas and we had to use the tangle "Fasset". Here is my take on it with my first try at "Tranzending" on a tan tile using brown Micron pen, Crayola color pencils, white Gelly roll pen, graphite and white Chalk: For "I am the Diva Challenge # 334" we had to use the tangle "Crazy N'Zeppel". I used a tan tile with black and brown Micron pens a white Gelly roll pen and Crayola colored pencils. Here is my tile: Tangles used: Crazy N'Zeppel, Mooka and Curl And for this week's "I am the Diva Challenge #335" we had to use the beautiful tangle "Tint" by Henrike Bratz. Here is my tile done with red Uniball pen, brown and black Micron pens, and on the tiny Tint border Prismacolor 005 superfine terracota pen. Color with Crayola color pencils. This tile was inspired by the beautiful red and yellow fall colors around me now in Alberta, Canada. Tangles used: Tint, Trella, Fluxeed, Hatched and Rixty variation. I hope you like them and come to visit often. I leave you with this beautiful peaceful video showing the beautiful fall colors that inspired me. Thank you in advance for all those leaving kind comments. Thanks for visiting and may your day be full of peace and joy....Stay Inspired! - CraftyGirl 10/2/2017 10:21:30 pm
All three tiles are beautiful. I particularly like the 3D effect in Diva #334. 10/3/2017 11:10:53 am
Love all the use of beautiful fall colors in the three tiles. I especially like the last one using Tint as a pretty border.
10/5/2017 12:15:48 am
I love all these tiles, the transzending one if fantastic. Gonna try that myself soon :-)
Deanne B
10/6/2017 04:08:42 pm
Fabulous tiles.. beautiful colours!💜 10/7/2017 02:23:45 pm
Thank you everyone for all you lovely comments, reading them brought a smile to my face... many blessings to you all Miss L, Jean, Ilse, AnneMarie and Deanne! ;-) Comments are closed.
Hi, Welcome to my Blog! I am CraftyGirl. I love everything related to Art. I am a Mom, a Wife and a Yoga enthusiast. I try to keep everything in balance meanwhile I dedicate some time to my Art and Crafts to unwind and have some fun (not always a simple task!) ...but I do my best ;-)
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February 2018